
Privacy policy

Wharfedale Online Trust, which is responsible for, is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We have structured this site so that, in general, you can visit Ilkley and Wharfedale on the Web without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information.

Content of this Site

This is a community site, whose content is intended to be appropriate for all ages. Wharfedale Online Trust cannot be held responsible for information added by registered users, although it will take all reasonable steps to remove offending or inappropriate material as quickly as reasonably possible, after becoming aware of it. Anyone adding, or attempting to add, such information will have their registration revoked. This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that the Wharfedale Online Trust is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by Wharfedale Online Trust.

Wharfedale Online Trust will abide by the terms of the UK Data Protection Act (1998), and its successors, for all personal data held on the site, and will expect contributors to accept this as a condition of use.


The contents of all material available on are copyrighted by the Wharfedale Online Trust. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a contributor. All rights are reserved and content may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, or transferred, for single use, or by non-profit organisations, provided correct attribution is made to the Wharfedale Online Trust. The source HTML and associated programmed code is strictly the copyright of the Wharfedale Online Trust (or other bodies where appropriate), and may not be copied or changed without authorisation from the Wharfedale Online Trust.


Through the registration process, certain information related to the contributor must be gathered - such as contact details for those responsible for any information which may be published on the site. The information will be used by the site's administrators to authenticate new users and contact information providers. We will not give out any information directly linked to an individual to a third party.

Contributors should be aware that contributions on the Internet constitute world-wide publication, and recipients of this data in other countries may not observe data protection rules.

A registered contributor may, if they so wish, include details (such as others' names, telephone numbers, email addresses) within any information they may control within the site, provided they have the permission of the individual concerned. Wharfedale Online Trust takes no responsibility for gaining this permission, although it will take all reasonable steps to ensure that information contained within the site is appropriate and accurate.

The registration process is intended for people who add and maintain information held on the site, and/or who wish to receive periodic information related to the content of the site or events in the area. During the course of registration a user is required to enter a limited level of personal information needed to administer the registration.

Use and Maintenance of Data

Wharfedale Online Trust regards all the data that it collects during this process to be private data. Registrants can opt to have their email address made available for the sole purpose of receiving relevant information, which is under the control of the site administrators. Registered users can, at any time, amend their details and preferences, using their chosen username and password. Wharfedale Online Trust will use this data to contact a registered user in relation to items placed on the site by the registered user.


Cookies are a method by which information is stored both during a visit and may, in the future, be used to store information between visits. Information stored during a visit is used simply to control access throughout the visit, and is essential for registered users to be able to add and maintain content. Information stored between visits will not contain any personal identification data, other than username and password should you choose to take advantage of a "remember password" facility. The information stored will be about your previous visits to the site, which will be used to enhance your future visits.


A newsletter may from time to time be published electronically. Email addresses of registered users will be sent these newsletters, unless they have opted to be excluded from such mailings. The newsletters will contain information which conforms to this site's policy, and is intended to be a valuable addition to the services provided by Wharfedale Online Trust.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will clearly indicate that changes have occurred on the "Homepage" for a period of not less than one month, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users by way of an e-mail. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected, until such other permission is granted.

"Privacy is one of those things, like water and air, that you don't think about too much until it's gone. But once you lose it, or it's in short supply, you realize just how important it is."