
Clubs and Organisations

Choir: All Saints Parish Church Choir


All Saints' Parish Church Choir

Affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music www.rscm.com


The Choir usually meets on Thursdays in church to practise from 19.00 – 20.00. We sing every Sunday morning at 9.15 Communion (alternately Common Worship and Book of Common Prayer).


We also sing Evensong twice a month at 18.30 (every 2nd and 4th Sunday).


Singers of all ages are very welcome to join us whenever possible.


As life is so busy, even if you can’t make a regular weekly commitment but would like to join us just occasionally, you are very welcome.


About five times a year we hold special “Come and Sing Choral Evensong” services, including our Advent Carol Service and Christmas Candlelight Service, when visiting singers are particularly welcome.


We also have a Junior Choir for children aged 7-14.


If you would like to know more, please contact:

Choir Leader: Catherine Cheater

Tel: 01943 603456

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.